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September 2021

Selecting Movers For Piano Moving

Moving a piano is never easy on yourself but is also highly risky for your piano. If you’re moving your piano from one floor to another or very close to tight spaces, you will want to call a piano moving company. Piano Movers Orlando FL provide a variety of moving options to consider the size and shape of your piano. Some moving options may include unscrewing bolts and piano benches, pulling the piano on a flat bed skid steer loader or using a truck mount crane. These are just some of the moving options and the different ways in which they could damage your piano.Piano Moving

Many piano moving services offer their clients a free quote on the moving services. If you are planning to move the piano by yourself, you should take a look at the selections for moving services. A lot will depend on how far away the nearest moving location is and whether you are pushing it to your home or someone else’s house. Some moving services have an hourly rate that they charge for their services, this hourly rate can vary from one company to another.

Some of the moving companies offer specialized services such as U-shaped uprights or L-shaped uprights. These are specially designed upright pianos that were designed to fit in tight places. These are the type of uprights that professional piano moving services use. When these are installed, it makes up for the added weight of the piano and makes it easier to move. The uprights are more stable than regular uprights and are able to withstand the harsh environment of a garage.

Asking how much does it cost to move a piano by yourself is difficult to answer because it depends on what your circumstances are. If you don’t have the experience, there is no way to estimate how much the entire move will cost you. The best way to do this is by contacting professional piano moving services to get an idea of the costs involved. Then you can decide if you can afford to move it on your own or if hiring professionals is the best choice.

The cost of moving a piano that has a frame attached to it will be different than those that don’t. Most piano moving services will calculate the total cost by adding the weight of the piano, its components and all the things that are included with the package. The total includes not only the weight but also the frame, the uprights, the legs and all other parts. The term piano moving services often refers to those companies that do the actual lifting and moving. They will also include the cost of the delivery charges in their quotation.

The term disassembly comes from the fact that professional piano moving services will disassemble your piano once they have delivered it. The weight of the piece is so large that the entire unit can’t be put together in one fell swoop. In addition, many people would rather have their valuable piano be disassembled rather than try to put it together all by themselves. This way, if there is ever any damage done to the instrument during the move, they will be able to easily fix it without having to worry about their piano components.

Professional movers in any local area will carefully pack your instrument when they transport it. When moving it long distances, they will make sure that the piece is properly covered in heavy duty blankets. Movers that are fully licensed and insured will protect your instrument in every way possible. Most of them also provide a complete insurance package for free with every service so that you will be covered in the event of any unforeseen damages.

There are many things that go into the moving of a piano. Professional piano movers will help you through every step of the process so that you will not have to worry about a thing. Whether you are moving it from town to town or across the country, a professional mover can help make the experience as easy as possible. They should quote you based on the size and details of your arrangement so that you know what you are paying for.

Choosing the right tree pruning method for your tree

Proper maintenance is essential if you want healthy and happy trees growing in your backyard. There are many tasks you can do throughout the year to ensure your trees continue to thrive. Pest control and fertilising the soil are two options. But one task that tends to get neglected by tree owners is pruning.

Tree pruning is essential for improving your tree’s structure and encouraging newer and healthier growth. What you probably didn’t know is that there are different types of tree pruning methods that can be used for your tree. Each method has its pros and cons and it’s up to you or a professional tree care expert to choose the right one.

But before we go into the different methods of tree pruning let’s clarify the definition. Tree pruning involves selectively removing branches from a tree. This removal of branches is usually done for one of two reasons; hazard reduction and maintenance. Ultimately, tree pruning is done to support the health of the tree while protecting you and your property from any potential damage.

Knowing what your tree needs is crucial for keeping it in healthy shape. Here we’ll cover the essentials when it comes to choosing the right tree pruning method for your tree. It may need a prune for maintenance or some hazardous branches that pose a safety risk. Whatever the reason, we’ll cover them here so you can make a more informed decision about tree pruning techniques.

The different types of tree pruning

Professional arborists and tree surgeons classify their tree pruning techniques and methods by where they are removing the tree’s branches from. The area of the tree where all the main branches grow into is called the crown. The area of the crown where branches are being removed from is what professionals use to define the different types of tree pruning techniques they are doing.

Crown lifting

For this method of tree pruning, the lower branches of the crown are removed. This is a common choice for tree care professionals looking to remove branches that may be obstructing paths or roads. The lower branches of a tree tend to be bigger. So removing them results in larger wounds which can have an adverse effect on the health of the tree. The lower branches usually play a crucial role in preventing a tree from swaying in high winds. Large tree wounds can also make your tree more vulnerable to pests.

Crown thinning

This tree pruning method involves removing branches from all over the crown. There is no particular area of the crown with a heavy focus here. This method aims to increase light penetration and air circulation throughout the tree’s crown. It is important to ensure that not too many branches are removed in this process. Small diameter branches should be the main focus. Removing too many large branches from the centre of the tree can also result in poor structure. Over time, if you only have long thin branches remaining, the tree’s swaying won’t be dampened and this can put extra stress on it during windy weather.

Crown reduction

For a crown reduction, the aim is to reduce the overall size of the tree’s crown. All branches are shortened to help reduce the growth point of the tree. This is a popular option when a tree care professional is trying to reduce the space a tree stands in. For example, if a tree is growing in the corner of a backyard, there’s only a small perimeter it has for growth before the branches start obtruding over the fence and into the neighbour’s yard where they shouldn’t be. A crown reduction can help alleviate this issue.

Clearance tree pruning

Clearance pruning is another great option for trees that are physically obstructing objects around them. In some cases, a tree’s branches may be growing too close to electrical wires and other house features like the gutter. Some branches may simply be growing over the fence. This pruning method involves only removing the branches responsible for obstructing or growing over certain objects around them.

Dead wooding

This tree pruning method involves removing weak branches that are dead, dying or diseased. These branches not only affect the appearance of the tree but also can pose significant risks to safety. If these weak branches remain, they can severely affect the health of the tree. By removing these branches you enable more light to come in through the crown of the tree and support the more healthy growth of newer branches that need it the most.

Formative tree pruning

In a tree’s early years it’s important to do whatever you can to encourage healthier growth in the future. Formative pruning is one of the best ways to do this. During this process, specific branches are removed to prevent structural defects and encourage a healthier and more structurally sound form. By taking care of this process during the early stages of tree development you can help eliminate the need to carry out other tree pruning tasks in the future.

Selective tree pruning

This process of tree pruning is usually done purely for aesthetics. Some branches can have a negative effect on the look of a tree. When a large branch grows out further than others it can throw off the shape and balance of the tree. Ask a professional tree arborist to do this for you, and they will ensure the process is done in a way that won’t diminish your tree’s overall health.

Weight reduction

Throughout a tree’s life, it can start to grow branches that are over-extended, or very end-heavy. When a branch becomes too heavy it can become a safety issue. Weight reduction tree pruning is usually down for lateral branches. Lateral branches are those which grow off the main trunk of the tree. A weight reduction tree prune will help improve the safety of your tree and reduce the risk of weak branches falling off it.

Making the right choice for your tree

Now that you know of the most common tree pruning techniques, it’s time to diagnose your tree. Can you spot any structural issues? Look out for warning signs like dying or lateral branches that have outgrown their welcome. If you’re not confident about diagnosing your tree’s issues then why not call in the experts?

Here at Daryl’s Tree Care, we have a team of qualified and experienced tree arborists that can diagnose any issues your tree may have. With careful consideration, they will choose the right tree pruning techniques for your tree. They understand how important it is that your tree continues to thrive without being a safety risk to your or your neighbours. So if you’re concerned about the safety of your tree then why not give us a call? Our tree care experts can inspect your tree and provide you with a quote.

Call our professional arborists today for a tree pruning quote on 9897 4418.

The post Choosing the right tree pruning method for your tree appeared first on Daryl's Tree Care And Surgery.

7 Signs You Need to Call a Tree Surgeon

7 Signs You Need to Call a Tree Surgeon!


What if it was already too late for your favourite tree?

A good tree surgeon can help you take care of your trees and make sure that your garden looks amazing. Unfortunately, many homeowners do not know they need to call a professional until it is way too late.

To protect your trees, you need to properly understand the warning signs. Keep reading to discover the seven signs that it is time to call a tree surgeon!


1. Dead Branches

If you are wondering whether you need to call a tree surgeon or not, then you are probably driven by a simple question. How, exactly, can you tell if one of your trees is dying?

One of the biggest warning signs of a dying tree is dead branches. A dead or dying branch will typically have a different colour than a healthy tree or branch. And it may have difficulty holding its shape.

If you are still not sure, there is a quick way to check. Pluck a small stick from the tree or a branch and then break it in two. Healthy branches will be hard to break and will have green on the inside.


2. Damage to the Roots

Another major warning sign that a tree is in danger is when there is damage to the roots. While it is true that you cannot see most of a tree’s roots, there are still a few tell-tale surface signs that let you know whether the roots are damaged.

By far, the biggest sign of root damage is when you see wilting on the tree. This is evidence that the tree is not getting enough nutrients to keep it healthy. It means that for some reason, the roots are no longer able to get what they need from the ground.

When you see wilting, it is worth calling a reliable tree surgeon. They can help to inspect for root damage and, if needed, assist with safely removing the tree.


3. Leaning Tree

A leaning tree can be another sign that the tree is dying. However, some degree of lean is perfectly natural. But if a tree is leaning much more than usual, or seems to be leaning more than 15 degrees, then you might have a problem.

Leaning trees are typically another sign of damage to your roots. And, more importantly, a leaning tree may be in danger of falling over and causing serious damage to your home or other property.

At some point, the tree may be damaged beyond repair. Be sure to call a reliable tree surgeon to see if the tree can be salvaged or needs to be removed.


4. Overgrown Branches

Earlier, we discussed how dead branches are a tell-tale sign of a dead or dying tree. Another major sign to watch out for is overgrown branches.

This usually occurs when trees are planted too close to one another. Over time, the branches grow over each other. This can cause friction that leads to rot, and then the rot may place both trees in danger.

Even if the rot does not get these trees, the overgrown branches may start to affect how much water and sunlight the trees get. You are best off at this point calling a tree surgeon and seeing if they can save the trees with professional pruning or take other measures as needed.


5. Few Leaves

Some of the warning signs on this list are milder than others. For example, a tree that seems to be lacking leaves is a major sign that you should take seriously. At the same time, you can usually fix this problem easily enough without losing the entire tree.

At times, a lack of leaves may simply be due to the weather. Changes in temperature or abundant rain may affect how many leaves you see on the tree. Other times, this could be a sign that hidden pests or even diseases are causing damage to your tree.

The season also matters. A lack of leaves is expected around Fall or Winter. But if you are seeing this in Spring or Summer, then the tree is likely experiencing problems and will need to be inspected by a professional tree surgeon.


6. Large Crown

It seems like common sense that you may need to cut a tree down if it gets too big. But do you know how to recognize when the tree has reached such a state?

The most reliable indicator is the size of the tree crown. If you do not already know, the crown is the top part of the tree (counting things like trunk, branches, and leaves).

How can you know if the crown is getting too big? If the tree is starting to block sunlight in areas that it previously had not (such as your garden), then it may be getting a bit too big for your yard. At this point, it is time to call a tree surgeon about pruning options or removal.


7. Roots Affecting Pipes or Home

We previously discussed how damaged roots are a good indicator that you need to call a tree surgeon. But another root issue is more obvious: when roots are digging into your pipes or even into your home!

This is quite natural. In its quest to seek out nutrients, the tree has sent its roots into your pipes and your home.

The good news is that you can deal with these roots without killing the tree. But it is going to take a skilled tree surgeon to preserve the tree and also keep your home safe.


Calling a Tree Surgeon: What’s Next?

Now you know the different warning signs to call a tree surgeon. But do you know which surgeon you can rely on?

We specialize in tree surgery as well as pruning, felling, planting, and so much more. To see what we can do for you and your trees, contact us today!


Article was written by Conner D.

Article Source: https://www.graftingardeners.co.uk/call-a-tree-surgeon/